The retina is the only tissue in the eye that can sense light. Retinal detachment actually refers to the separation of the tissue layer containing photoreceptor cells from the base layer that assists it. Once the photoreceptor cells lose the support of the grassroots, they lose their function and become blind.


(1) Retinal detachment caused by tear
(2) Other causes such as severe diabetes, choroidal inflammation, eye tumor, etc.

【Who is more likely to suffer from retinal detachment? 】

(1) Deep myopia (more than 600 degrees of myopia)
(2) Having undergone intraocular surgery (such as cataract, glaucoma, etc.)
(3) Suffering from certain genetic diseases (such as Marfan syndrome, Stickler syndrome, etc.)
(4) Family history of retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy
(5) Retinopathy of prematurity, etc.


(1) Increased floaters
(2) Increased flash
(3) Loss of partial field of view
(4) Visual image distortion


Repair with laser


People with a family history or high myopia should pay more attention, because the risk of developing this disease may be several times higher than ordinary people

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